A unique tree planting campaign across the United Kingdom known as The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) will be created to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
All across the UK , people will be encouraged to ” Plant a tree for the Jubilee” through the QGC. All counties of the U.K. will be invited to plant a network of individual trees , tree avenues, copses and woodlands in honour of Her Majesty’s 70 years of service to the Nation.
Planting new trees may take the form of:
• A Platinum Jubilee Avenue of medium-sized or large trees. Ideal for Cities, large estates, new housing developments and parishes.
• A Platinum Jubilee Copse on private land or land allocated by a Council
• A Platinum School Tree – schools in the UK will be offered a tree for the students to plant (provided free of charge)
• Platinum Jubilee Community planting project for youth groups, Residents Associations etc. Community planting packs are available through the Woodland Trust or community groups may wish to purchase trees from approved suppliers.
• Ancient Woodlands and Veteran Trees with historic links will also be conserved through dedication to The Queen’s Green Canopy.
How will people get involved?
• All information will be available on The Queen’s Green Canopy Website
• Schools and community groups will be able to apply online for 3 million FREE saplings between May 2021 and the end of 2022. The saplings will be posted to those who apply on a first come, first serve basis.
• In addition, support for providing an established tree will be given by the QGC to a limited number of UK schools.
• Fundraising will enable UK wide plating of single trees or Platinum Jubilee Avenues of trees to mark this occasion.
• Private landowners will be encouraged to plant copses and new woods, or extend existing woodland in honour of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. These will not be subject to any access requirements.
• There will be a limited number of key Platinum Jubilee Corporate partners who will assist with support throughout the QGC programme particularly with those urban areas who experience the most disadvantage.
• Each project will be asked to complete a simple form outlining the scheme so that they may be tracked beyond 2022.
Details as to how you can be involved is on the official website.
The link to the QGC website is https://queensgreencanopy.org/